The inininKYOTO (hereinafter referred to as "our company") will clearly state these Terms to all users of this site (hereinafter referred to as "users"). Users are deemed to have understood and accepted the content of these Terms of Use. This site is operated by KYOTO LAUNDRY CAFE (hereinafter referred to as "our company").

Part 1.
The editorial department accurately handles articles and manages the contents of the public information on this site, but we do not guarantee the legality, accuracy, completeness, usefulness, morality, and validity of all information. It is not intended to Please use the information at your own risk. The Organization shall not be held responsible for any damages suffered by the User as a result of using the Services.

Part 2.
Please note that we may change or delete articles without prior notice, and we may change the content without prior notice for better content.

Part 3.
All content posted on this site (text, images, other electronic information, etc.) is protected by copyright laws in Japan and international treaties.

Part 4.
Links from this site to third party websites are free in principle. However, the department will not be held responsible for any damage caused by link sites.

For inquiries regarding the disclaimer, please contact the Kyoto Laundry News Agency, where ininin KYOTO is located, by email (

Handling of personal information

【Privacy policy】
Our department recognizes the seriousness of social responsibility for the appropriate collection, use and provision of personal information, and complies with laws and other norms regarding personal information.
[Purpose of use]
We do not acquire or use personal information from third parties without the consent of the individual for purposes other than the purpose of this site.
When personal information is used for purposes other than those listed above, it is as follows. We will use your personal information appropriately and to the minimum for the purpose of site management services, such as distributing event information and campaign information related to this site, and distributing information on e-mail magazines and various announcements.
[About provision to third parties]
Our department will not provide or disclose collected personal information to any third party without the consent of the individual.
[Disclosure and correction of personal information]
In the event that a customer requests disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, or suspension of provision to a third party of the customer's personal information, we will confirm the identity of the customer We will deal with it as soon as reasonably possible.
[Changes to these Terms]
We will review the handling of personal information as appropriate and change the content whenever necessary.

[Inquiries about personal information management]

10-1, EIJI MIBU building Nakagyo, Kyoto
Kyoto laundry shop news agency
ininin KYOTO Editor / Rie Yamamoto
Phone number 070-8547-0728
Email address